martes, 7 de agosto de 2012

VACACIONES 2013 miércoles7agosto (interrogativas ingl+probl valenc=en ingles) (chella)


MATH: Today you're going to do math problems. This problems are wrote in valencian language. You it must copy the problems in your worksheet with good letter.

1- Un comerciant va comprar oli per 2.500 euros i després el va vendre per 3.456 euros. Quin va
ser el benefici?
2- Un comerciant al principi del dia tenia a la caixa 567 euros. Durant el dia va fer vendes per: 34,
123, 87, 67, 89, 87, 234, 123 i 245 euros, fent pagaments per: 90, 89, 100, 35, 69, 76, 56, I 176
euros. Quina va ser el saldo de caixa al final del dia?

ENGLISH: Today you're going to study interrogative phrases. Clic on the link -clic- Do the exercises.

remember the photography
and remember to read


ENGLISH: Today you're going to study interrogative phrases. Clic on the link -clic- Do the exercises.

MATH: Today you're going to do math problems. You are going to do two exercises -clic-

remember the photography
and remember to read

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