miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013

INGLÉS verbo To Be conjugado

(iré añadiendo conforme avancemos)

PRESENTE SIMPLE (yo soy / yo estoy)


I am (I'm)
you are (you're)
he is (he's)
she is (she´s)
it is (it's)
we are (we're)
you are (you're)
they are (they're)

I am not (I'm not)
you are not (you aren´t)
he is not (he isn't)
she is not (she isn't)
it is not (it isn't)
we are not (we aren't)
you are not (you aren't)
they are not (they aren't)

am I?
are you?
is he?
is she?
is it?
are we?
are you?
are they?

las contracciones en negativo: unimos el verbo (are/is) con la contracción (not) quitando la "o" de ésta última (aren't/isn't)

En castellano tenemos dos pasados: el peterito imperfecto (yo era / yo estaba) y el pretérito perfecto simple (yo fui / yo estuve) Pues en inglés solo tienen uno: el pasdo simple, que significa tanto era como fui, estaba como estuve


I was
you were
he was
she was
it was
we were
you were
they were

I was not (I wasn't)
you were no (you weren't)
he was not (he wasn't)
she was not (he wasn't)
it was not (it wasn't)
we were not (we weren't)
you were not (you weren't)
they were not (they weren't)

was I?
were you?
was he?
was she?
was it?
were we?
were you?
were they?

contracciones: no hay en afirmativo, y en negativo juntamos el verbo (was / were) con la negación (not) quitando la "o" de ella (wasn't/weren't)

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